
Eco sustainability – solar panels

2050 is destined to mark an epoch-making turning point for the sustainable development and it is the fixed date for achieving carbon neutrality, also called “zero emissions” which has been set by the European Community.

Each one of us is required awareness to evaluate and implement actions that can lead to achieve these goals together.

In the perspective of a sustainable development also Walmamec Srl has also integrated into his working flow the commitment to adopt measures which will lead to enhance the green sector and to reduce the CO2 emissions.

Our commitment begins with the installation, in these first few months of 2023, of photovoltaic panels on the surface of the roof of our sheds.

This energy efficiency and renewable action improves our environmental performance in respect and preservation of the green heritage.

This choice will allow us to have a source of generation of electric power on-site, while also reducing our operating costs and allowing us to reinvest in our core business to undertake further initiatives.

Eco sustainability is an essential value for our reality!